The Miracle and “Me”
John 6:1-25
5 Ways Jesus Impacted His Disciples
in the Feeding of the 5,000
and Walking on Water.
- He centered their focus on the spiritual impact of the moment. (John 6:1-4)
- The reason people were following Jesus. (John 6:2)
- The how – Jesus sat and taught his disciples. (John 6:3)
- He built their faith. (John 6:6-9)
- The why – Jesus was going to test them. (John 6:6)
- Jesus’ question showed how differently people can think about life.
- Managerial.
- Missional.
- He involved them personally in His work. (John 6:10-13)
- The disciples are involved. (John 6:10)
- The Father is involved. (John 6:11a)
- The Savior is involved. (John 6:11b)
- He proved His presence with them in the storm. (John 6:14-18)
- He settled their fears. (John 6:19-21)
- Storms = struggles
- Soul care (John 6:20) – his care for us, our care for others.
- Jesus stands above that which brings us fear. (John 6:19)
- They were WILLING to let Jesus in the boat? (John 6:21)
- How often are people unwilling to let Jesus into their lives?
- Storms = struggles
Questions for Further Study:
- What is the most difficult situation in which you have ever found yourself?
- In what exciting events have you recently participated? What made them exciting?
- Where did Jesus go? (John 6:1)
- Why did the crowd of people follow Jesus? (John 6:2)
- Where did Jesus and His disciples go? (John 6:3)
- What Jewish feast was near? (John 6:4)
- What question did Jesus ask Philip? (John 6:5)
- Why did Jesus ask Philip a question? (John 6:6)
- How did Philip respond to Jesus’ question? (John 6:7)
- Who was Andrew? (John 6:8)
- What role did Andrew play in feeding the five thousand? (John 6:8-9)
- What solution did Andrew propose to Jesus’ question? (John 6:8-9)
- What miracle did Jesus perform? (John 6:10-11)
- How much bread was left over? (John 6:12-13)
- How did the crowd of people respond to Jesus’ miracle? (John 6:14)
- What did the crowd of people intend to do? (John 6:15)
- What was Jesus’ reaction to the crowd’s intention? (John 6:15)
- For what reasons do people follow Jesus today?
- What makes you want to follow Jesus?
- What is your typical reaction to situations that seem to present no readily available solution?
- With what situations in life do you have a difficult time trusting God?
- What does God provide for us on a daily basis?
- In what ways do people attempt to use Jesus or His name inappropriately?
- What misconceptions have you had about Jesus or His role in your life?
- How and when has God miraculously provided for your needs?
- How can we trust God with our needs?
- What things do you need to thank God for providing?
- What tough situation do you need to trust God to work out in your life this week?