We are excited about enjoying springtime by having an outdoor service we are calling “Worship on the Lawn.” On Sunday May 21, at a special time, we are having a single service at 10:30 a.m. So, no 8:30, 11:00, or Well service that day.
There is also no Sunday School that day, since we are asking people to bring side dishes for our church wide cookout that starts after the service, around 11:45. Classes are bringing potato salad, baked beans, and many other dishes to share. Food delivery should happen around 10:00, so we all can get outside and be ready for the worship time to begin promptly at 10:30.
Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets, and even a pop-up canopy if you have one. While most people will be seated on the lawn, we will have chairs on the sidewalks for our senior adults who prefer not to walk on the unsteady yard.
Invite friends and neighbors. Expect some great music, and Pastor Ken will be teaching about “A True Investment for the Future: Children” from 2 Timothy 3:15.