It is our objective to provide worship music that promotes celebration and praise as we lift up the Lord Jesus. “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” – John 12:32
FIND OUT MORE OR JOIN THE CHOIR: Text only the word CHOIR to 757-330-3320
Adult Choral Music:
Sanctuary Choir provides inspiring music for worship in a variety of styles. High energy rehearsals provide a mid-week lift and allow singers to share the joy of Christ in overflow on Sundays. Seasonal productions including music and drama to highlight the holidays. (Meets on Wednesday nights)
Modern Worship Praise Band:
The praise team members rotate each week at the 11:00 service. Rehearsal is on Wednesdays.
Instrumental Music:
Instrumental Ensembles provide periodic opportunities for players to accompany congregational singing and offer worship music for praise or meditation.
If you are interested in being a part of the Music Ministry, let us know.