Men of Steel is the Men’s Ministry of King’s Grant Baptist Church, which exists to help men experience gospel transformation in the context of an authentic community. As the gospel penetrates men’s lives it will move them out in servant leadership in their families, the church, and to those in need. CONNECT WITH US: Text only the word MEN to 757-330-3320.
[ Join the KGBC Men of Steel Group ]
Wednesday Morning Gathering:
Every first and third Wednesday morning at 7:00am we meet at Denny’s on Virginia Beach Boulevard. Click here to join the Men of Steel group, and keep up to date in what we are doing.
Get more information about the Men of Steel. We challenge men to be the kind of fathers and husbands that our family desires and God expects.
Dads, Check This Out: Children spell love T-I-M-E. Take a look at this video, and make necessary changes before it’s too late.
Why Men of Steel?
Men today want to be Superman for their spouse, their kids and appear to have it all together. But even Superman had his vulnerability; kryptonite! This is a call to men, to become a Man of Steel, living out Proverbs 27:17, “as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” So, we created Men of Steel…