An annual tradition on the Little Neck Peninsula
Instruction will center on the theme for this year
THEME: Tell of His Wonderful Deeds – Psalm 96:3
Classes will include art activities in visual arts, music, and drama
plus a new focus on God-centered cooking
Students who are rising 4th grade thru 12th grade are eligible
Cost: $100 includes all materials and instruction for 12 classes (3 classes per day)
Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 31 at noon
(Designed Especially for Rising 1st – Rising 3rd Graders)
Instruction will center on the theme for this year
THEME: Tell of His Wonderful Deeds – Psalm 96:3
Classes will include art activities in visual arts, music, and drama
Children who are rising 1st – rising 3rd grades are eligible
Cost: $50 includes all materials and instruction
Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 31 at noon
Six 30-minute periods per day will include a variety of art activities such as: art, music, creative movement, Lego Creations (directed creativity)