A Conspiracy to Stop the Gospel

A Conspiracy that Could Not Stop the Gospel
John 11:45-57

  1. What was this conspiracy? John 11:45-48
  2. What did this conspiracy attempt to accomplish? John 11:49-50
  3. How did this affect the gospel? John 11:51-54
  4. What does this mean for the church? for Me?

Questions for Further Study:

  1. Without naming names, who is the most dishonest and self-serving person you’ve ever known?
  2. What examples of selfishness do you see in a typical day?
  3. How do you deal with problem people in your life?
  4. How did many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary respond to Jesus’ miracle? (John 11:45)
  5. Who was told about Jesus’ miracle? (John 11:46)
  6. What did the Sanhedrin fear? (John 11:47-48)
  7. What did Caiaphas say about Jesus? (John 11:49-50)
  8. How did Caiaphas prophesy? (John 11:51-52)
  9. What did the Jewish leaders of the Sanhedrin plot to do? (John 11:53)
  10. How did Jesus respond to the Sanhedrin’s plot? (John 11:54)
  11. Why did many people go to Jerusalem? (John 11:55)
  12. For whom did the people in Jerusalem look? (John 11:56)
  13. What orders had the chief priests and Pharisees given to the people? (John 11:57)
  14. What motive other than ministry might people have for engaging in Christian service?
  15. What personal ambitions might subvert the goal of serving God and others in Christian organizations?
  16. When have you intentionally or unintentionally used the church to pursue your own agenda?
  17. Why is it so difficult to have pure and selfless motives in life?
  18. How do you respond when your goals and your motives conflict with one another?
  19. How might Christianity be challenged or threatened by Jesus if He were to come back today?
  20. How would you tell a self-centered person the gospel message?
  21. What self-centered motive will you ask God to help you change?
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