A Conspiracy that Could Not Stop the Gospel
John 11:45-57
- What was this conspiracy? John 11:45-48
- What did this conspiracy attempt to accomplish? John 11:49-50
- How did this affect the gospel? John 11:51-54
- What does this mean for the church? for Me?
Questions for Further Study:
- Without naming names, who is the most dishonest and self-serving person you’ve ever known?
- What examples of selfishness do you see in a typical day?
- How do you deal with problem people in your life?
- How did many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary respond to Jesus’ miracle? (John 11:45)
- Who was told about Jesus’ miracle? (John 11:46)
- What did the Sanhedrin fear? (John 11:47-48)
- What did Caiaphas say about Jesus? (John 11:49-50)
- How did Caiaphas prophesy? (John 11:51-52)
- What did the Jewish leaders of the Sanhedrin plot to do? (John 11:53)
- How did Jesus respond to the Sanhedrin’s plot? (John 11:54)
- Why did many people go to Jerusalem? (John 11:55)
- For whom did the people in Jerusalem look? (John 11:56)
- What orders had the chief priests and Pharisees given to the people? (John 11:57)
- What motive other than ministry might people have for engaging in Christian service?
- What personal ambitions might subvert the goal of serving God and others in Christian organizations?
- When have you intentionally or unintentionally used the church to pursue your own agenda?
- Why is it so difficult to have pure and selfless motives in life?
- How do you respond when your goals and your motives conflict with one another?
- How might Christianity be challenged or threatened by Jesus if He were to come back today?
- How would you tell a self-centered person the gospel message?
- What self-centered motive will you ask God to help you change?