Five Ways to Honor Your Mother

5 Ways to Honor Your Mother (Radical Love)
John 19:26-27

Honoring Mothers (Jesus’ example)

  1. Otherness
  2. Recognition
  3. Priority
  4. Care
  5. Follow-through

Loving Radically (Our Calling)

  1. Radical love always comes from within a context of otherness.
  2. Radical love always perceives deeper needs and not just a common expression of care.
  3. Radical love never allows larger commitments to cancel your commitment to those closest to you.
  4. Radical love reinforces the bond of a spiritual relationship.
  5. Radical love always seeks to bear the burdens of others.

Questions for Further Discussion:

  1. What sort of sacrifices did your parents make for you?
  2. What to you is the most humiliating situation you can imagine?
  3. To where was Jesus forced to take His own cross? (John 19:17)
  4. What did the soldiers do to Jesus? (John 19:18)
  5. Who was crucified with Jesus? (John 19:18)
  6. What notice did Pilate have fastened to Jesus’ cross? (John 19:19)
  7. How did the chief priests want Pilate to change the sign over Jesus’ head? (John 19:21)
  8. What did Pilate tell the chief priests? (John 19:22)
  9. What happened to Jesus’ clothes? (John 19:23-24)
  10. Why were Jesus’ clothes divided among the soldiers? (John 19:24)
  11. Who stood near the cross of Jesus? (John 19:25)
  12. What did Jesus say to His mother and the disciple with her? (John 19:26-27)
  13. Why do you think Pilate had the notice placed on the cross?
  14. If you had been a member of Jesus’ family or one of His disciples, how do you think you would have reacted to His crucifixion?
  15. How was Jesus humiliated?
  16. What sort of humiliation did Jesus suffer?
  17. What humiliation have you suffered for being a Christian?
  18. How can we sacrifice our wants and desires so that others might benefit?
  19. In what way has God’s family become your family?
  20. To what degree are we responsible for caring for the needs of other believers?
  21. What want or desire can you sacrifice so that someone else might benefit? How?
  22. How can you care for another Christian’s needs this week?
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