From Pastor Ken
“What does fatherhood mean to me?” This question touches my life deeply, as I am sure for every dad.
My wife and I are blessed with three daughters, all adopted. So, immediately I realize that “fatherhood” is not limited to genetic progeny. In fact, fatherhood is not even limited to proximity. A man can offer his physical heritage and his domestic closeness and yet miss being a father. So, what genuinely constitutes fatherhood in the life of a man? I believe this can be answered in 3 ways: (1) a physical covering, (2) a relational covering, (3) and a spiritual covering. This perspective became real to me as I engaged in studying the Scriptures that reveal Jesus as the Good shepherd. So, I would like to explain these three truths of fatherhood in the light of the truth of Jesus as the Good shepherd.
I really want you to get this!
- Jesus identified Himself as the good shepherd by laying down His life for His sheep (John 10:11) – a physical covering, especially against the dangers of wolves (the darkness of this world). He carried this out ultimately on the cross, praise His name!!
- Jesus identified Himself as the good shepherd by knowing His sheep (John 10:14) – a relational covering; He emphasized this relationship by the significance of the sheep knowing His voice, thus demonstrating that the relationship is very close and personal.
- Jesus identified Himself as the good shepherd by stating (John 10:29) that His Father is greater than all. Jesus was always interested in His followers knowing that they truly belong to God – a spiritual covering.
Jesus truly cares about family. So, would it not make sense to measure one’s fatherhood by the heart of Christ?
Dads, how closely do you resemble the good shepherd when you love your children?
Do you provide physical covering, laying yourself down daily – making sacrifices – so that you are protecting them from the evils of this world. Do you care about what they are watching, who they spend time with, etc. Do you provide a relational covering? Do you take the time to truly know your children, and for them to truly know you? Do you let them into your life, into your space, and into your heart? And most of all, do you provide a spiritual covering? Is your greatest concern for them spiritual? How do you encourage them to truly dedicate themselves to God, Who is greater than all, including us dads?! Are you nurturing your children spiritually by allowing them to hear you pray; are they encouraged by your own walk of faith? Can you pour into them out of the abundance of your daily experience with Christ.
Dad’s, today I ask you a simple question: are you willing to shepherd your children and your home (your precious bride included)? Let’s be real men! Let’s live and love like shepherds!
For every man of any age (and for that matter, every person), shepherd someone’s life today by living in obedience to the Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
Join the community of faith at King’s Grant Baptist this Sunday, June 17, to celebrate Father’s Day, and to engage in a study from the Gospel of John, Chapter 10: “How Jesus impacted lives as the Good Shepherd.”