There will be more information in the coming months, but here’s what you need to know right now. The total cost of camp is $375. This covers the cost of lodging in a college dorm at Eastern University, meals for the week, transportation, and other materials. Like years past, we have adjusted prices for families with multiple children to help with the cost. ($325 for second child, $275 for third, etc.)
In order to secure your student’s spot for camp, Beth needs a non-refundable deposit of $50 by January 23rd. We have reserved spots for our group until this date. You can always sign up and pay your deposit at a later date, but there is no guarantee that there will be availability. Also, you can choose to pay for the total expense of camp all at once, or you can make payments if that’s easier for your family. Whatever works for you! Final payments will be due in June at our Parent Meeting. (Date TBA)