December 21. “THE NAME OF JESUS”
“Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name. . . ” Philippians 2:9
There are over 200 names and titles for Jesus in the Bible. Many of these references become increasingly familiar during Christmas. Consider the following three examples.
Jesus is called the Prince of peace: Because sin separates man from God, Jesus came to bring peace between man and God. He died to reconcile sinners to a holy God. (Isaiah 9:6)
Immanuel: This title literally means, “God with us.” Both Isaiah and Matthew affirm that the Christ who would be born in Bethlehem would be God Himself who came to earth in the form of a man to live among His people. (Matthew 1:23)
Wonderful Counselor: The idea of counselor represents a wise king, thus indicating that He is able to guide His people in every way perfectly. The description of wonderful counselor represents that which is incomprehensible. More than we could ever imagine or hope for, Jesus came to gives us guidance spiritually (teaching us how to walk with God and giving us access to God), and practically (daily leading our mind, heart, and actions through the Spirit of God). (Isaiah 9:6)
Along with many other titles, during Advent we worship Jesus as Prince of Peace, Immanuel, and Wonderful counselor. But, have you considered how these significant titles accomplish more than simply a theme for Advent? Something life-changing transacts when we truly live by faith in who Jesus is, as demonstrated by such titles.
When you cannot find peace in and around you, realize that because of Jesus you have peace with God; you have been reconciled to God. The Bible reminds us that we were once enemies to God, but we have now been brought close. That is what you call true reconciliation! Because of the Prince of Peace, you can be at peace this very moment regardless of your present circumstances.
There are moments in life when loneliness and desperation engulfs our way of life. In these moments we may feel outnumbered or abandoned. We may feel as if our circumstances truly define us. This is simply not true. God came to be with us. This is the meaning of Immanuel. He is here with you; this proves you have infinite worth; this proves you are perfectly loved. Rest in the promise of “God with us.”
When the next step in life seems overwhelming, when confusion and chaos become the two edged sword that attempts to pierce your faith, and when the light of the glory of Christ seem hidden by the busyness and clutter of daily surviving, realize that you have a wonderful counselor. He is “your” counselor. He came to give you the holy direction necessary to live in a broken world. His wonder transcends every human hope and optimism. He truly came to be your guide, your wisdom, and your advocate. That is what a counselor does. He is for you. Never forget this.
His name is above all names. He is Prince of Peace. He is Immanuel. He is Wonderful Counselor.
This is His name! This is Christmas! This is Jesus!
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