
TUESDAY, December 18

Your Christmas Song, Part Two

(If you have not completed Monday’s devotional reading, please click here do so before continuing.)

Take a moment to reread the song of Mary’s celebration for the Christ-child. Use the following as a guide for studying each phrase. With each verse, embrace the question to measure and challenge your life as a follower of Jesus.

Luke 1:46, “My Soul doth magnify the Lord”
Does your heart reflect that you indeed belong to the King?

Luke 1:47, “and my Spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior”
Do you possess salvation joy?

Luke 1:48, “For He has looked with favor on the humble condition of His servant”
Do you see yourself daily dependent upon the grace of God?

Luke 1:49, “The Mighty One has done great things for me, holy is His name”
Do you take time to see the miracles around you?

Luke 1:50, “His mercy is from generation to generation, on those who fear Him”
Is your heart open to Him now, even as it was on the day you were saved?

Luke 1:51, “He has done a mighty deed with His arm, He has scattered the proud because of the thoughts of their hearts”
What is keeping your pride from truly being scattered?

Luke 1:52, “He has toppled the mighty from their thrones, and He has exalted the lowly”
Do you understand the power of His rule and reign; do you value His role as King over your life?

Luke 1:53, “He has satisfied the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.”
How is your appetite for the things of Christ?

Luke 1:54-55, “He has helped His servant Israel, mindful of His mercy, just as He spoke to our ancestors, to Abraham and His decedents forever.”
Do you consider yourself in a covenant relationship with God, or just a spiritual byproduct of those gone on before you?

Remember that the season of Advent has but one purpose: to focus upon the gift of God in Christ Jesus. You and I magnify God’s goodness and His gift as we reconcile ourselves to the truth of that first Christmas night: Jesus came to rule and reign in our hearts. Do our lives tell the true story of Christmas?

Spread the Community, Faith, Love