WEDNESDAY, December 12
The Power of the Moment
If you are counting, Christmas is 13 days away. Now, don’t panic; there is plenty of time, right? Actually, you know better than that; you know, as I do, that time flies by really fast.
Recently, a young engaged couple some 6 months away from their wedding date asked if I could help speed up time, for they were very ready for the wedding. I assured them I was not the guy to ask, because as a parent I am trying to slow life down every minute. But, the truth remains: we never get one second back, so we must make the most of every moment. Yes, easier said than done. Sometimes we desire life to move more quickly, other times we desire life to slow down. And, more often than not, we wish life could just stand still for a moment: the first time you saw the love of your life; holding your new born baby for the first time; your first promotion. These are all moments that seem frozen in time; yet, for many, such events seem a lifetime ago.
However you view time, friend or foe, realize that the greatest gift of time is the very moment you are living in right now. This is why the Scriptures reminds us to “redeem the time.” We must make the most of every moment for the glory and praise of God. The Bible instructs us to care about eternal matters without overlooking what is before us right now. Have you ever considered that Christmas is about the eternal (Jesus) stepping into our “everyday” lives? You can also bring the eternal into someone’s “everyday” by embodying the love of Christ to them.
So, as you and I rush through our demanding schedules between now and Christmas, let us not miss the moment we are living right now. There is something you can do today! There is a life you can touch, a phone call you can make, a friend you can visit, a note you can send, a dollar you can give, all to touch the life of another today!
We will indeed always need to plan ahead, and often times think ahead; but, never sacrifice today on the altar of tomorrow’s plans. Make the most of your moments today for the glory of Jesus.
1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Corinthians 6:2; Ephesians 5:16