TUESDAY, December 11
Asleep on the Hay
I remember the day my wife approached me with tears in her eyes and spoke those unforgettable and painful words: “she no longer takes naps.” Yes, traumatic were these words representing that our third daughter had just grown past the need to nap. “What are we going to do?” my wife exclaimed. Well, needless to say, we have managed. But, on behalf of all preschool parents everywhere, those were some sweet days when your rambunctious non-stop ball of energy would collapse for a two or three hour nap. There are few scenes more enjoyable than a peacefully sleeping child.
The countless times you have heard the familiar line from Silent Night, “sleep in heavenly peace,” have you ever wondered if Jesus cried out much on that Holy Night, or if it truly was a very peaceful night of sleep. I personally choose to believe that the words of Silent Night are not far from what actually happened – the Prince of Peace “asleep on the hay.”
But, regardless of how you might imagine that night with baby Jesus, how about now? Does the Prince of Peace bring a peaceful rest to your soul?
When the Old Testament Scriptures ascribed to Jesus the title, “Prince of Peace,” He was proclaimed as One who forever has a rule of peace (offering a right relationship with God, with one another, and with ourselves). The standard of peace becomes a great way to spiritually measure our lives: am I at peace with God, with others, and with myself.
- Romans 5:1 reminds us that because we have been made right with God through faith in Jesus, we have peace with God.
- Hebrews 12:14 instructs us to live in peace with others.
- Colossians 3:15 describes peace as ruling our hearts (the idea of rule is of someone calling the shots for us); the peace of God was intended to define us inwardly (to call the shots for us).
Can you imagine being so affected by the Prince of Peace that you daily walk in peace with God, with others, and with yourself? This is the message of Christmas: Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth.
Read: Isaiah 9:6-7; Ephesians 2:14-18