Go and Tell

Our guest preacher today was Seth Horrell, with a message called, “Go and Tell What You See and Hear” from Matthew 11:2-11.

Sometimes it is hard to understand what is going on and we need to ask a question for clarification, and John was no different. As close as he was to Jesus, he sent his disciples to Jesus with a question, “Are you the one or shall we wait for another?”

It is amazing that John is so together and confident, yet he asks this question. At the point of facing death, perhaps he is asking if all this was worth it. Maybe he is confused, not getting what he expected from the Messiah.

Perhaps John would have preferred a simple YES or NO answer, but he gets this statement, go and tell what you see and hear. Jesus is vague and we prefer clarity. But maybe John gets the answer that he specifically needs. Look at the evidence, what do you see?

Are you asking whether Jesus is the one? How are you dealing with the evidence of the reality of the claims of Christ? How has God prepared you to be a messenger to prepare the way for someone to experience Jesus in a fresh way?

Spread the Community, Faith, Love

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